Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Issues in the 2016 Presidential Campaign

Where do you stand on the issues concerning our country today?? 

Donald Trump                         Hilary Clinton

Gary Johnson                            Jill Stein 

To really understand the candidates’ proposals/plans 
for how they will address the issues important 
to America today, you need to read or listen to what 
they personally say, not what the news 
media and  political analysts say about them.  

Take some time to watch at least 
one speech or read words written 
by each candidate  on a specific 
issue such as job creation or immigration.

Look at each of the following candidates' websites and choose three topics of interest to you.  

Click on ISSUES or POSITION  to read about the candidates' views on the issues and then complete your worksheet. 

Democrat Hillary Clinton – campaign page 
Republican Donald Trump – campaign page 
Libertarian Gary Johnson – campaign page 
Green Party Jill Stein – campaign page 

If you are interested, here is the link we enjoyed in class of past Presidents' television ad campaigns

Comment on the Blog: Tell us ONE issue that you read about and what you learned. Try not to repeat an issue that another student has already shared. 


  1. I read issues from all of the candidates and one thing I learned from Gary Johnson has to do with religious freedom and the 1st amendment. He said Utah made a law that says discrimination in employment, house and government services was illegal. I thought this was already illegal. In Utah they worked together with religious leaders, lawmakers and members of the LGBT community to write this law in a way that everyone was happy. Gary Johnson said this law basically protects religious freedom and does not create a right to discriminate.

    1. i agree with makenzie because, i also thought that that was already illegal.

  2. The one thing that caught my attention was Hillary's announcement about her goals in her term as president. On one of her commercials, she showed how the Republican candidates, Donald Trump, was claiming that Global Warming doesn't exist, and there is no evidence, but it is real. I read a comic about killer whales that were in the arctic circle because the water down in the south was way to warm. Hillary is trying to make us realize what we can do to preform a healthy environment and could save us money. For example, solar panels get energy from the sun and can be used to make electricity. Some people in the country who own solar panels sell their electricity to the power companies that sends them out to other people. If everyone had solar panels, it would save them money from their electricity bill that could be used on something else. To make our country, and the world a healthier place, it can reduce the amount of lung-asthma attacks, or any other global disease, will help us and our future generations.

  3. the thing I learned is from Donald trumps web page, it us under the category child care. it says that mothers should have 6 week pay for when they are new mothers. i think i agree with that because i would love to get paid for 6 weeks that i'm not actually working. but it is also good so that the mother has the mother to take car of her child. when you are away from work for 6 week that is a lot of money that you wont get from work. this is a very helpful statement from Donald trump.

  4. One thing I learned from Jill Stein's webpage was that she wants to set a plan into motion that will give us 100% clean energy by 2030 and therefore creating more jobs. I think this isn't a very good advertisement because 2030 is fourteen years away. That goal may never be reached because we will have three more elections by then, all of which could cancel her plan. It seems like very vague concept to say that your goal will be reached fourteen years from now.

  5. One thing that I learned about Trump is that he is
    pro-life. He will defund planned parenthood. he will nominate pro-life justices and make the Hyde Amendment permanent law to protect taxpayers from having to pay for abortions. He would sign into law the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act, which would end painful late-term abortions nationwide.
    All of this will greatly reduce the killing of innocent children.

    1. Reducing the killing of innocent children would be an amazing thing. I wish we could make abortion illegal all together!

  6. One thing I learned from Donald Trump's webpage is from the category of education. One of the things Trump says is that when he is elected president, he will immediately add $20 billion towards school choice. He also said that he would ensure that the opportunity to attend a two or four-year college will be easier to access, pay for, and finish. I agree with him because if we didn't ensure the opportunity to attend two or four-year colleges, than we might not give good and hard working people the chance to believe in themselves.

    1. i agree with this because, if people didn't have the right education then they wouldn't have he chance to believe in themselves.

  7. One thing I learned from Hilliary Clinton's website is that she wants every child to get the chance to grow up onto his or her potential. She also said that she would improve the quality of childcare and early learning by giving a RAISE to America's child-care workforce, and to double our investment in Early Head Start program, and the Early Head Start child-care.

  8. I learned that Secretary Clinton wants to give free college educations to the majority of people and $25 billion to historically black colleges and other minority institutions. And many other financial expenditures like loan re-payment for parents who are going to school. This all sounds amazing, but it is impractical. Where would all the money to fund these programs come from?

  9. An issue I read about on Gary Johnson's page was about abortion. Even though he personally is pro-life, as a governor or as the president he respects that abortion is a very personal choice, and that woman should be allowed to make their own decisions because its not his place to judge. I respect that a lot because even though he has his own views on the topic, he is still mindful of others' opinions.

  10. One of the topics I researched on was military and defense. I learned that each of the candidates had very different plans for the military: Hilary wants to essentially keep it the same as it is now, Trump wants to focus more on the middle east, Johnson wants to make the military's main initiative to defend America, Stein wants to cut the military's funding by 50% and close down 700+ foreign military bases.

  11. I learned that Hilliary Clinton wants to lower the health care system and make sure that every american can afford it
